Saturday 17 September 2016

Kailijumei Lipstick (Flower Jelly) Review

Kailijumei (Flower Jelly) Lipstick Review

My boyfriend got me this as a random gift so I can write about it here. Isn't he so sweet?

           I've been seeing reviews about this product, and this brand in particular. I thought the idea was tacky and was only for the aesthetics so I wasn't really sold on it, butpeople have been saying good things about it so I was quite curious, too. My boyfriend saw it from my "Watch Again" section on YouTube and that's where he got the idea to get it for me!

            It retails for $30 USD on their website(they currently have it on sale for $25, I don't know until when),  and $21.98 on Amazon.

 The packaging looks and feels really premium. It is made from Germany after all!
There is a button at the top that releases the lipstick at the bottom. I think this makes the lipstick secured in the casing so it doesn't open by itself in your bag, create a mess and destroy your lipstick!

 He got me the colour"Dream Purple"!

The inside case has a nice gold finish and doesn't feel plasticky.
 The purple flower and the gold flakes make it look very magical!

Now for the actual wear of the product.

 My bare lips. Nothing on it.
 One swipe. It definitely added a nice tint that stops me from looking dead.
 Three swipes.
 Several swipes as you would with any lipstick.
Here is how it looked like in about an hour. There is more colour to the lips!

          The product has a nice feel to the lips, as well. It adds hydration to the lips but doesn't leave a sticky residue. Kailijumei, not only because it's aesthetically pleasing to look at, is actually a great product! If you like liptints, this is definitely nice to have, and the novelty of it is a great bonus!

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